Not Getting Job Offers? Several Reasons Why

Owl - get job offers from animal organizations

By Paula Fitzsimmons

Rejection stings, especially when it involves a job you really wanted or thought you’d be perfect for.

It’s essential that you learn to not take rejection personally . . .easier said than done, I know.  But getting turned down for a job isn’t a reflection of who you are or what you have to offer.

For one, you’re competing against dozens and even hundreds of other applicants – one hiring manager at an animal nonprofit recently told me she and her coworkers receive thousands of applications per year.

There are any number of other reasons why you may not be getting your dream job or called back for interviews. I’ve outlined a few of the big ones below.

More Than Just Words: 8 Powerhouse Quotes for People Who Care

Owl with EO Wilson quote
By Paula Fitzsimmons

Life can’t be boiled down to a sentence or two . . . it’s too complex for that. But good quotes are more than just strings of meaningless words or “kumbaya” sentiments. At least for me. They represent bigger thoughts and ideals, can propel you forward, and act as reminders of what’s important. And who can’t use a kickstart every now and then?

I chose the following quotes for you . . .the activist, the person who wants to make a difference, whether you work in the animal protection field, are seeking a job with animals, or are a volunteer activist. I hope these words and ideas speak to you as they do for me. I’ve added some commentary, and would also love to know your thoughts on these.