How Do You Measure Success?

How Do You Measure Success?


By Paula Fitzsimmons

Working 70 hours a week at a job that may pay well but sucks the life out of you. Securing the bottom line at any cost. Clawing your way to the top of the corporate ladder. Doing whatever it takes to achieve a certain level of “success” isn’t working out too well for us – and especially not for animals or the planet.

Noted scholar and environmental educator, David W. Orr summed it up perfectly when he wrote: “The planet does not need more successful people. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.”

More Than Just Words: 8 Powerhouse Quotes for People Who Care

Owl with EO Wilson quote
By Paula Fitzsimmons

Life can’t be boiled down to a sentence or two . . . it’s too complex for that. But good quotes are more than just strings of meaningless words or “kumbaya” sentiments. At least for me. They represent bigger thoughts and ideals, can propel you forward, and act as reminders of what’s important. And who can’t use a kickstart every now and then?

I chose the following quotes for you . . .the activist, the person who wants to make a difference, whether you work in the animal protection field, are seeking a job with animals, or are a volunteer activist. I hope these words and ideas speak to you as they do for me. I’ve added some commentary, and would also love to know your thoughts on these.